Compare Ice Cream

Compare Ice Cream

“You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream and that’s pretty much the same thing ”… Yes I’m posting about ice cream in November because we’re only half way through lockdown no.2 and we all need a bit of something to look forward to!The guy on the left (Oppo) is one of the…

Makin Bacon: Turkey v Pork

Makin Bacon: Turkey v Pork

If you’re ‘Makin Bacon’ then read this: Turkey Rashers V Pork Rashers… What’s healthier? A lot of people will think that turkey is the healthier option when it comes to rashers, but just because something has less calories and fat doesn’t mean it’s all good! See the difference – these pork rashers have LESS ingredients…

Nutritious Soups on the Go

Nutritious Soups on the Go

Don’t have time to make soup / couldn’t be bothered or you just don’t know how? Seeing as Autumn is upon us… here’s my no.1 recommendation for a convenient shop-bought soup! From doing hundreds of meal plans throughout the years I always try and give clients convenient, nutritious & less-processed options for when they don’t…